Going once... Going twice... SOLD!!!

Congratulations to all of the successful bidders!!

On behalf of all of the Health Sciences Dialysis Unit staff, I wish to thank each and every person who donated auction items, visited this site, offered practical and moral support, and participated in this fundraising effort to improve our patients' comfort during the time they spend with us. You've made a difference!

Together, we have raised $4,645.00, and that's a grand sum, indeed!

I will email all successful bidders by 5 p.m. on Monday (it's been a long day!) so you can advise of your preferred method of payment, and we can arrange pickup / delivery. (...or you can go ahead and email me first, this would be perfectly acceptable!!)

Anyone with any questions concerning any facet of this auction can email either Gennette Martin of the Health Care Foundation at gennette.martin@healthcarefoundation.ca , or email me at dialysisauction@gmail.com . All bidding emails and website postings will be retained until long after this auction is a very faded memory.

Again, congratulations, and thank you!!

To your good health,
Retired Online Auctioneer