Welcome to the HSC Dialysis Unit Online Auction!
The following describes how the auction will work, and how you can place a bid.
First off, let me offer a gentle reminder that I am a NURSE, not the CEO of eBay, so if you're expecting that kind of auction, you've come to the wrong place!! :-)
I will make certain commitments -
One is that I, personally, will NOT be bidding on any items. I am the only person who knows the exact retail values, and I'm the only one who will be dealing with your bids. I will not bid myself, nor have someone bid on my behalf.
I also commit to doing the best job I can to post bids as promptly as possible, and to respond to any enquiries. I do work, and have life commitments, but I will post as often as is humanly possible. This auction is my priority until the final gong!
So, on with the instructions!
There is a list at the top of the page of the items you can bid on, and the current highest bid and bidder.
The next posts give a more detailed description of each auction item, including photos.
This post here at the bottom explains how all of this works. Here we go...
1 - Review the list of items and find the items that catch your interest.
The items are color-coded to give a rough indication of their retail value. The color coding is as follows:
2 - When you find an item you wish to bid on, send an email to -
3 - The email must contain the following information:
- Item name and number as indicated on the list - PLEASE PUT THIS ON THE SUBJECT LINE!
- Name (You can be "anonymous" in the posted list if you request it, but I will need your name.)
- Address (will remain private)
- Phone number(s) (will remain private)
- How much you want to bid
5 - At a minimum of once per day, but usually more often as I am able, the list will be updated with the information of the current highest bidder / bid.
If you enter your email address in the "Follow by email" section in the left column of this page, you will receive email notifications each time an updated post is added to the site. Please note that there can be a several-hour delay between posts being added and you receiving these email notifications. This is part of the site's 'inner workings' and is not managed by me.
6 - THIS IS IMPORTANT - All emails containing bids will be scrutinized for the time that they are received. It is out of my control if an email is sent, for example, at 11.10 a.m. but the inbox shows it arriving at 12.30 p.m., after another bidder. All emails will be retained, in the event of a dispute.
7 - The auction will conclude at 11.59.59 p.m. NDT, Sunday, June 22nd, 2014.
8 - IF, at the end of the auction, there are two bids for the same dollar value, the first bid received will be considered the winner.
9 - IF, by some chance, both emails with the same dollar value bids are received at the exact same time, both parties will be contacted and offered an opportunity to place one last bid. The higher bid wins.
10 - The list of successful bidders will be posted as soon as possible after bidding closes, barring any issues, within an hour of the auction's conclusion. Every attempt will be made to personally contact winners within 2 - 3 days following the end of the auction.
11 - Acceptable methods of payment are as follows:
- Cash
- Credit card
- Cheque
- Email transfer via banking website
13 - Items won by out-of-town bidders will be shipped at the winner's expense, costs paid up front. No CODs.
14 - Finally but the most important one of all - This auction is governed by the 'honor system'. By choosing to participate in this auction, you are making a commitment to purchase the item on which you bid. You are in essence entering into a contract with the coordinator of this site - me - to buy the items you bid on successfully. If you do not want to pay, don't bid! If you won't be able to pay for the item, don't bid! Your bids are final and non-retractable.
If you have any questions about the rules / instructions, or wish to comment, please send an email to the above address and I will respond as soon as possible.
Please bid often, and generously! Our patients are relying on YOU!